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Sculpture of Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael has been considered the patron saint of Kyiv since the ancient times of Kievan Rus, and his image adorns the modern coat of arms of the Ukrainian capital, as it did many centuries ago. According to Orthodox canons, Michael is the Archangel, since the Bible mentions him as the leader of God's angelic army. Therefore, it is natural that various sculptures depicting the mightiest angel crown the most famous buildings of Kyiv – St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery and the Lyadsky Gate. Another modern sculpture of Archangel Michael is installed in the central part of the Obolonskyi district – In the park on Levko Lukyanenko street (formerly Marshal Tymoshenko), 16.

Obolon embankment

Obolon embankment
Obolon embankment – is a special place considered one of the most beautiful in the Ukrainian capital. Due to this status, as well as the fact that along its almost 7 km stretch you can find everything you need for relaxation and entertainment, it has become a popular attraction not only in the Obolonskyi district but in Kyiv as a whole. Obolon embankment offers magnificent views of the Dnieper River, beaches, temples, attractions, cafes and restaurants, sports and children's playgrounds, sculptures and art installations, Rock Garden Square, Natalka Park, and many other interesting spots. There are simply no equivalents to such diversity in Kyiv. Therefore, Obolon embankment is truly unique in every part – from Northern street to the Northern Bridge.
Church of the Nativity of Christ
The Church of the Nativity of Christ is a unique structure, which is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the Obolonskyi district. It is distinguished from other Orthodox churches in Kyiv by modern architecture, while ideally corresponding to all church canons. Such a combination of the neo-Baroque style and ancient traditions of church architecture is a rarity not only for Ukraine, but also for other countries where Orthodox churches exist. Thanks to this, the Church of the Nativity of Christ has also become a real decoration of the southern part of the embankment, located on Obolon Embankment street, 5.

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